Friday, August 22, 2008

Blogs I'm Following Now

My newly developed interest in seeking out the blogs and digital communities of educators has led to a few new discoveries today. Here are four new blogs I've added to my sidebar today. Each had it's own "that's why I want to follow this person" moment that I wish I had had time to record in this post, but my day is like all the others this week - a battle to remain even partially focused on getting prepared for classes and everything that needs to be done before, during, and even after this school year. So, I link, but I can no longer remember why. Except that at some point I want to go to these blogs and really absorb some knowledge from them.
And what I really need is advice on how to not go crazy in trying to get ready for the first day. Right now, I still have a month to go, but that could change any day. And I have enough to do during the month to stay busy, if it doesn't.

How do you balance the hundreds of ideas of how to make this year better than last with the time that you have?

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