Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Technology is...

I'm going to start collecting these quotes. Some are thought-provoking and some are funny, but mostly, the value is in considering the instinctual reactions that people will have when you say you want to bring "technology" to the classroom.

Here are three to start us off.
"Technology is anything you don't trust. It's the things that break. If it's going to work, you call it a toaster." (Paraphrased) - the Director of IT at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival

"Technology is anything invented after you were born, everything else is just stuff." - Alan Kay (via Drape's Takes)

"Technology is anything that makes something else easier to do. This pencil is a form of technology." - (paraphrased again) Dennis Dunleavy, Assistant Professor of Communication, Southern Oregon Universiy

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